ss_blog_claim=cd46ef178142ba5c793d6628c487d5ef The Stuff I Think: Back To School

Monday, November 26, 2007

Back To School

Today was Alyssa's first day back after her Thanksgiving holiday. It was her very first REAL holiday since she started to school. I just hate the whole thing sucked out loud. I had SO many things I wanted to do, none of which I managed to actually do, with the exception of going to Mississippi. Oh well. There's always Christmas, I suppose.

I always freak out when she goes to school. I guess it's because she's only been in school for right at three months and has been sick three times already. I just worry about all the contact she has with other kids when I'm not around to remind her not to put her fingers in her mouth after playing with a toy that a kid gave her after wiping snot off his or her nose. Nasty, I realize, but kids are nasty little creatures!! I've tried to instill in my child the importance of hand washing and keeping her hands away from her mouth, but she is still only five years old and doesn't remember EVERYTHING I've told her! All I can do is hope and pray, really.

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